Selection Process

The selection process for the Master’s Course is annual and unique, with classes usually starting in August. The dates for registration, selection and start of classes are defined in the Public Notice.

Selection for the Doctorate Course may occur in three entries, with registration, selection and start dates of classes defined in a Notice to be released.

The Notices define the vacancies per advisor, according to the Program criteria and the specificity of each advisor.

The entire process takes place in a single city (Juiz de Fora or Viçosa), according to the Program’s criteria. The location of the selection, as well as the registration, is informed in the Notice.

* This information is based on the last selection, but may be changed in the next selection process.


The Coordination of the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education, offered in full association by the Department of Physical Education of UFV and the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of UFJF, announces the registrations for the selection of candidates for the Master’s and Doctorate Course in the period from July 11 to August 11, 2024.

The Coordination of the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education, offered in broad association by the Department of Physical Education of UFV and the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of UFJF, makes public the Selection Notice for candidates for the Doctorate Course, for the year 2024.


Departamento de Educação Física
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Av. PH Rolfs s/n – Campus Universitário
CEP: 36570 000 – Viçosa – MG
Tel: (31) 3612-5405

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