
1st Symposium on Climate Change, Thermoregulation, and Physical Exercise (SIMTERME)

Registrations are now open for the 1st Symposium on Climate Change, Thermoregulation, and Physical Exercise (SIMTERME), which will take place on November 8 and 9 at the Central Library Auditorium on the Viçosa campus.

The event will discuss various issues, particularly the challenges posed by global warming to human life, focusing on its impact on daily work activities and physical exercise in hot environments.

Who Can Participate?

The symposium is open to the entire community, with a special focus on professionals and students in undergraduate and graduate programs in biological sciences, health sciences, and sports sciences.

Abstract Submissions

  • The deadline for abstract submission is September 30.


  • Registration is open until October 31.
  • Registrations must be completed through the Funarbe website, where participants can also access the event schedule and submission guidelines for abstracts and posters.


The Department of Physical Education is organizing SIMTERME, with Professor Thales Nicolau Prímola Gomes serving as the General Coordinator.

For further details, please visit the Funarbe website.


Departamento de Educação Física
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Av. PH Rolfs s/n – Campus Universitário
CEP: 36570 000 – Viçosa – MG
Tel: (31) 3612-5405

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