Dissertações e teses / MASTER’S AND PHD THESIS (2021)
“Análise do desempenho cognitivo, tático e físico de jogadores de futebol: uma abordagem a partir da fadiga física”
“Analysis of cognitive, tactical and physical performance of soccer players: an approach based on physical fatigue”
Aluno/Student: Felipe Ruy Dambroz
Oreintador/Advisor: Israel Teoldo da Costa
“Publications on ergogenic resources in the field of sports science have prevalence of positive results?” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Alex Batista Rodrigues
Orientador/Advisor: Moacir Marocolo Júnior
“Talent detection for school volleyball: a statistical modeling based on predicted adult stature” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Rodrigo de Magalhães Vianna
Orientador/Advisor: Maurício Gattas Bara Filho
“Distance covered by players in the 2018 Soccer World Cup: global and circumstantial analysis” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Thadeu Luiz Almeida Rodrigues
Orientador/Advisor: Jorge Roberto Perrout de Lima
“Acute effect of different inspiratory muscle exercise intensities on heart rate variability in the post-exertion recovery period in healthy young people” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Pedro Lima Souza
Orientador/Advisor: Daniel Godoy Martinez
“Efeito da utilização da ginástica hipopressiva em mulheres com fibromialgia”
“Effect of using hypopressive gymnastics in women with fibromyalgia”
Aluno/Student: Lais Barbosa Alves
Orientador/Advisor: Eveline Torres Pereira
“Efeitos da neuropatia periférica no equilíbrio estático e no padrão cinemático 3D da marcha de diabéticos”
“Effects of peripheral neuropathy on static balance and 3D kinematic gait pattern in diabetics”
Aluno/Student: Marissol Maximiano de Oliveira
Orientador/Advisor: Paulo Roberto dos Santos Amorim
“Effects of resistance training for muscle failure on acute fatigue: a systematic review and meta-analysis” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: João Guilherme Vieira da Silva
Orientador/Advisor: Jeferson Macedo Vianna
“Estilo de vida, indicadores de saúde e nível socioeconômico de crianças do município de Ervália-MG”
“Lifestyle, health indicators and socioeconomic status of children in the municipality of Ervália-MG”
Aluno/Student: Betania Nicacio Brasiliano
Orientador/Advisor: Fernanda Karina dos Santos
“Impacto da Pandemia da COVID 19 no Troféu Brasil de Atletismo”
“Impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic on the Brazil Athletics Trophy” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Jhonatan Marques Machado
Orientador/Advisor: Jorge Roberto Perrout de Lima
“Impact of a 50 km ultramarathon on the perception of quality of life, on the state of stress and recovery, and on salivary cortisol and IgA levels” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Helange Alice do Carmo Pereira
Orientador/Advisor: Jorge Roberto Perrout de Lima
“Influência do exercício físico e do nível de atividade física na saúde física e mental de mulheres idosas”
“Influence of physical exercise and physical activity level on the physical and mental health of elderly women”
Aluno/Student: Samuel Goncalves Almeida da Encarnação
Orientador/Advisor: Miguel Araujo Carneiro Junior
“Volleyball training for the U-15 to U-19 categories in the men’s suit: A proposal for a methodological organization” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Marcos Henrique do Nascimento
Orientador/Advisor: Maurício Gattas Bara Filho
“Perfil de triatletas brasileiros e relação entre motivação e histórico esportivo”
“Profile of Brazilian triathletes and the relationship between motivation and sports history” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Letícia Maria Cunha da Cruz
Orientadora/Advisor: Maria Elisa Caputo Ferreira
“Ischemic preconditioning in a crossfit® session on performance, metabolic, hemodynamic and perceptual responses” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Natália Rodrigues dos Reis
Orientador/Advisor: Jeferson Macedo Vianna
“Cardiovascular response after a single resistance exercise session with flow restriction in hypertensive elderly” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Alex Sandro Seccato
Orientadora/Advisor: Andreia Cristiane Carrenho Queiroz
“Trabalhadoras do futebol de mulheres no Brasil: discutindo lugares e fazeres”
“Women’s soccer workers in Brazil: discussing places and actions” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Aura Condé Braga
Orientadora/Advisor: Ludmila Nunes Mourão
“Treinamento de força e seus efeitos sobre as manifestações de força, os indicadores antropométricos e a qualidade de vida de indivíduos com lesão medular espinhal”
“Strength training and its effects on strength manifestations, anthropometric indicators and quality of life of individuals with spinal cord injury”
Aluno/Student: Lucas Vieira Santos
Orientador/Advisor: Eveline Torres Pereira
“The influence of recovery manipulation on physiological and perceptual responses in high-intensity interval training” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Marcus Vinicius da Silva
Orientador/Advisor: Jorge Roberto Perrout de Lima
“The Relationship Between Training Burden and Injuries in Male Professional Volleyball Athletes: A Three-Season Prospective Study” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Thiago Ferreira Timoteo
Orientador/Advisor: Maurício Gattás Bara Filho
“Analysis of talent detection in volleyball from the knowledge management approach: a proposal for base coaches” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Flávio de Jesus Camilo
Orientador/Advisor: Maurício Gattás Bara Filho
“Avaliação dos fatores de risco cardiovasculares e síndrome metabólica em trabalhadores da indústria moveleira”
“Assessment of cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome in furniture industry workers”
Aluno/Student: Renata Aparecida Rodrigues de Oliveira
Orientador/Advisor: João Carlos Bouzas Marins
“Effect of resistance training with different loads and positions of body segments on muscle strength, power and endurance and electromyographic signal in trained men” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Marcio Luis de Lacio
Orientador/Advisor: Jeferson Macedo Vianna
“Efeitos dos exergames no desempenho motor e no tempo de reação de crianças com transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento: TEA e TDAH”
“Effects of exergames on motor performance and reaction time of children with neurodevelopmental disorders: TEA and TDAH”
Aluno/Student: Elizangela Fernandes Ferreira
Orientador/Advisor: Eveline Torres Pereira
“Influência de características individuais, familiares e ambientais nos comportamentos de atividade física e sedentário de adolescentes”
“Influence of individual, family and environmental characteristics on physical activity and sedentary behavior of adolescents”
Aluno/Student: Isabella Toledo Caetano
Orientador/Advisor: Paulo Roberto dos Santos Amorim
“Massa gorda relativa, atividade física e simultaneidade de fatores de risco cardiovascular em estudantes universitários’
“Relative fat mass, physical activity and simultaneity of cardiovascular risk factors in university students”
Aluno/Student: Wellington Segheto
Orientador/Advisor: Luciana Moreira Lima
“The becoming teacher: looks at the training of undergraduates in physical education from the supervised curricular internship” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Ayra Lovisi Oliveira
Orientadora/Advisor: Ludmila Nunes Mourão
“Qualidade das informações postadas no instagram por influencers brasileiros em atividade física”
“Quality of information posted on Instagram by Brazilian influencers in physical activity” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Santiago Tavares Paes
Orientador/Advisor: Moacir Marocolo Júnior
“Treino é treino e jogo é jogo? Influência da situação (treino – jogo) e da posição nas demandas de deslocamentos e carga de trabalho em atletas profissionais de voleibol”
“Training is training and game is game? Influence of situation (training – game) and position on displacement demands and workload in professional volleyball athletes” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Thiago Andrade Goulart Horta
Orientador/Advisor: Maurício Gattás Bara Filho