Dissertações e teses / MASTER’S AND PHD THESIS (2022)
Dissertações / Master Thesis
“Alterações dos comportamentos humanos habituais e autopercepção da saúde durante a pandemia de COVID-19 numa comunidade universitária”
“Changes in usual human behaviors and self-perception of health during the COVID-19 pandemic in a university community”
Aluo/Student: Larissa Quintão Guilherme
Orientador/Advisor: Paulo Roberto dos Santos Amorim
“Characterization of the statistical analysis of publications in the area of sport sciences in a 20-year interval: a descriptive and comparative retrospective study” (open in new window)
Aluno/Student: Roberto Carlos de Matos Leite
Orientador/Advisor: Moacir Marocolo Júnior
“Performance determinants for the identification and development of talents in the Olympic triathlon covering a perspective of Brazilian coaches” (open in new window)
Aluno/Student: Leandro Albuquerque Vieira
Orientador/Advisor: Jorge Roberto Perrout de Lima
“Efeitos do treinamento físico combinado sobre a morfologia e a função cardiopulmonar em ratos com hipertensão arterial pulmonar”
“Effects of combined physical training on cardiopulmonary morphology and function in rats with pulmonary arterial hypertension”
Aluno/Student: Luciano Bernardes Leite
Orientador/Advisor: Antonio Jose Natali
“Identification of physiological characteristics and terminology used in studies with cyclists and runners: a classification proposal in relation to training status” (open in new window)
Aluno/Student: Marcelo Pereira dos Santos
Orientador/Advisor: Moacir Marocolo Júnior
“Identification of the use of ergogenic resources by athletes: a qualitative-quantitative approach by sex and performance level” (open in new window)
Aluna/Student: Géssyca Tolomeu de Oliveira
Orientador/Advisor: Moacir Marocolo Júnior
“Indicadores multidimensionais do potencial esportivo no processo de seleção de jovens futebolistas”
“Multidimensional indicators of sporting potential in the selection process of young football players”
Discente/Student: Hugo Leonardo Barros de Paula
Orientador/Advisor: João Carlos Bouzas Marins
“Mulheres na liderança: cenário, desafios e oportunidades para treinadoras no voleibol brasileiro“
“Women in leadership: scenario, challenges and opportunities for coaches in Brazilian volleyball” (open in new window)
Aluno/Student: Walber Costa da Silva
Orientadora/Advisor: Ludmila Nunes Mourão
“Post-activation potentiation exerts an ergogenic effect on the speed of swimmers: a systematic review with meta-analysis” (open in new window)
Aluna/Student: Eliane Aparecida Ferraz Silva
Orientador/Advisor: Ciro José Brito
“Tradução, adaptação transcultural e validação do Body Understanding Measure for Pregnancy Scale“
“Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of teh Body Understanding Measure for Pregnancy Scale” (open in new window)
Aluno/Student: Eduardo Borba Salzer
Orientadora/Advisor: Clara Mockdece Neves
Teses / PhD Thesis
“A general approach for analysis and enhancement performance in mountain biking modality“
“A general approach for analysis and enhancement performance in mountain biking modality” (open in new window)
Aluno/Student: Rhaí André Arriel e Oliveira
Orientador/Advisor: Moacir Marocolo Júnior
“Evaluation of a physical exercise intervention associated with education to promote behavior change and better health conditions in people with prediabetes or diabetes” (open in new window)
Aluna/Student: Mariana Balbi Seixas
Orientadora/Advisor: Lilian Pinto da Silva
“Comportamentos habituais de adolescentes: padrões de sono, prática de atividade física e tempo sedentário”
“Habitual behaviors of adolescents: sleep patterns, physical activity and sedentary time”
Aluno/Student: Sabrina Fontes Domingues
Paulo Roberto dos Santos Amorim
“Contributos da avaliação e do treinamento para o desenvolvimento da tomada de decisão no futebol”
“Contributions of assessment and training to the development of decision-making in football”
Discente/Student: Guilherme Figueiredo Machado
Orientador/Advisor: Israel Teoldo da Costa
“Efeito da demanda física simulada de uma partida de futebol na temperatura da pele de jovens jogadores avaliada por termografia infravermelha”
“Effect of simulated physical demand of a soccer match on skin temperature of young players assessed by infrared thermography”
Discente/Student: Alisson Gomes da Silva
Orientador/Advisor: João Carlos Bouzas Marins
“Efeito do treinamento resistido associado à respiração do método Pilates sobre a força, o equilíbrio e a pressão arterial de idosos: Ensaio clínico paralelo”
“Effect of resistance training associated with breathing in the Pilates method on strength, balance and blood pressure in the elderly: Parallel clinical trial” (open in new window)
Aluna/Student: Ilha Gonçalves Fernandes
Orientadora/Advisor: Andreia Cristiane Carrenho Queiroz
“Effects of resistance exercise training on the structure and function of cardiac, pulmonary and skeletal muscle tissues in rats with experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension”
“Effects of resistance exercise training on the structure and function of cardiac, pulmonary and skeletal muscle tissues in rats with experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension”
Aluno/Student: Leoncio Lopes Soares
Orientador/Advisor: Antonio Jose Natali
“Current evidence and future perspectives on the distribution of training intensity, exercise volume, and exercise prescription for middle and long-distance runners” (open in new window)
Aluno/Student: Yuri de Almeida Costa Campos
Orientador/Advisor: Jeferson Macedo Vianna
“Hierarchy of interpersonal synergies in basketball: a theoretical and methodological approach”
“Hierarchy of interpersonal synergies in basketball: a theoretical and methodological approach”
Discente/Student: Rodrigo de Miranda Monteiro Santos
Orientador/Advisor: Miguel Araujo Carneiro Junior
“Influência do método Pilates na qualidade de vida e autopercepção da saúde mental durante a pandemia do SARS – COV-2 : um estudo de método misto’
“Influence of the Pilates method on quality of life and self-perception of mental health during the SARS – COV-2 pandemic: a mixed method study”
Aluno/Student: Fabricio Sette Abrantes Silveira
Orientador/Advisor: Eveline Torres Pereira
“Modelagem do potencial esportivo no judô: uma proposta para detecção de talentos”
“Modeling sporting potential in judô: a proposal for talent detection” (open in new window)
Aluna/Student: Aline Aparecida de Souza Ribeiro
Orientador/Advisor: Jeferson Macedo Vianna
“The effect of changes in judo rules between the 2016 and 2020 Olympic cycles: temporal differences between weight and sex categories in international combats” (open in new window)
Aluna/Student: Lindsei Brabec Mota Barreto
Orientador/Advisor: Ciro José Brito
“Relação da temperatura da pele medida por termografia infravermelha com a gordura corporal e índice de massa corporal em adolescentes do sexo masculino’
“Relationship of skin temperature measured by infrared thermography with body fat and body mass index in male adolescents”
Aluno/Student: Hamilton Henrique Teixeira Reis
Orientador/Advisor: João Carlos Bouzas Marins