Dissertações e teses / MASTER’S AND PHD THESIS (2020)
“Technical-tactical actions of fighters specialized in grappling, contact and mixed combat (grapple and contact), due to their permanence in the Ultimate Fighting Championship®” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: José Raimundo Fernandes
Orientadora/Advisor: Bianca Miarka
“Cross-cultural adaptation, validity and reliability of the Ideal Body Stereotype Scale – Revised (IBSS-R) for young Brazilian adults” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Juliana Aparecida Alves Lourenço
Orientadora/Advisor: Maria Elisa Caputo Ferreira
“Análise do comportamento tático em diferentes configurações de jogo: contribuições para o processo de formação no futebol”
“Tactical behavior analysis in different game configurations: contributions to the formation process in soccer” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Marcos Paulo de Freitas Silvino
Orientador/Advisor: Israel Teoldo da Costa
“I Association between motor development and sports participation in children aged 6 to 10 years” (fopens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Danielle de Campos Silva
Orientadora/Advisor: Fernanda Karina dos Santos
“Evaluation of cardiometabolic health and lifestyle of elderly people registered in the units of the Family Health Strategy of Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Keveenrick Ferreira Costa
Orientadora/Advisor: Andréia Cristiane Queiroz Carrenho
“Hemodynamic and vagal autonomic behavior during and in the recovery phase after peripheral muscle resistance test in cirrhotic patients” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Isabela Souza de Paula
Orientador/Advisor: Daniel Godoy Martinez
“Dança e envelhecimento: uma investigação qualitativa”
“Dance and aging: a qualitative investigation” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Rosana Ferreira Pessoa
Orientadora/Advisor: Maria Elisa Caputo Ferreira
“Desempenho de métodos antropométricos na avaliação da adiposidade em adultos jovens”
“Performance of anthropometric methods in the assessment of adiposity in young adults” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Ingrid Daróz Guisso
Orientador/Advisor: Paulo Roberto dos Santos Amorim
“Acute effect of a CrossFit® benchmark on executive functions and physiological parameters and the interdependence of personality factors, mental abilities and executive functions associated with physiological parameters according to performance” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Michele Andrade de Brito Duarte
Orientadora/Advisor: Bianca Miarka
“Acute effect of ischemic preconditioning in a resistance exercise session on blood pressure in trained normotensive youngsters” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Patrícia Silva Panza
Orientador/Advisor: Jeferson Macedo Vianna
“Efeito Agudo do Pré-condicionamento isquêmico no desempenho físico de jovens futebolistas”
“Acute effect of ischemic preconditioning on the physical performance of young soccer players” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Felipe Fernandes da Silva
Orientador/Advisor: Jeferson Macedo Vianna
“Effect of the ischemic conditioning maneuver and post-exercise blood flow restriction on the recovery of isometric muscle performance” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Anderson Meireles da Silva
Orientador/Advisor: Moacir Marocolo Júnior
“Efeitos da neuropatia periférica no equilíbrio estático e no padrão cinemático 3D da marcha de diabéticos”
“Effects of peripheral neuropathy on static balance and 3D kinematic gait pattern in diabetics”
Aluna/Student: Marissol Maximiano de Oliveira
Orientador/Advisor: Paulo Roberto dos Santos Amorim
“Efeitos do treinamento resistido prévio sobre a força muscular e a morfologia e função cardiopulmonar em ratos com hipertensão arterial pulmonar induzida por monocrotalina” – SIGILOSA
“Effects of previous resistance training on muscle strength and cardiopulmonary morphology and function in rats with pulmonary arterial hypertension induced by monocrotaline” – SIGILOUS
Aluno/Student: Alexandre Martins Oliveira Portes
Orientador/Advisor: Antônio José Natali
“Performance of anthropometric methods in the assessment of adiposity in young adults”
“Performance of anthropometric methods in the assessment of adiposity in young adults”
Aluno/Student: Emanuel Mattos Della Lúcia
Orientadora/Advisor: Thales Nicolau Primola Gomes
“Preventive intervention in body image disorders, eating disorder and body dysmorphia in young adults: a randomized controlled clinical trial in Brazilian men” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Maurício Almeida
Orientador/Advisor: Pedro Henrique Berbert de Carvalho
“Monitoramento da carga de treinamento em jovens atletas de handebol feminino”
“Monitoring the training load in young female handball athletes” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Fernando Oliveira Maciel
Orientador/Advisor: Maurício Gattás Bara Filho
Aluna/Student: Gabriella Marques de Souza Gomes
Orientadora/Advisor: Fernanda Karina dos Santos
“Relationship between external and internal training load of female Artistic Gymnastics athletes in the children’s category” (opens in new window)
Aluna/Student: Elisângela Gamarano de Freitas
Orientador/Advisor: Maurício Gattás Bara Filho
“Avaliação mental, física e o efeito do treinamento e destreinamento em pacientes hipertensos e diabéticos do tipo 2 em situação de risco, atendidos pelo Centro Estadual de Assistência Especializada de Viçosa-MG” – SIGILOSA
“Mental, physical evaluation and the effect of training and detraining in hypertensive and type 2 diabetic patients at risk, attended by the State Center for Specialized Assistance in Viçosa-MG” – SIGILOUS
Aluno/Student: Robson Bonoto Teixeira
Orientadora/Advisor: Luciana Moreira Lima
Aluno/Student: Leonardo Mateus Teixeira de Resende
Orientador/Advisor: Thales Nicolau Primola Gomes
Aluna/Student: Fernanda Rocha de Faria
Orientador/Advisor: Paulo Roberto dos Santos Amorim
“Desenvolvimento e validação de equações antropométricas para estimativa da gordura corporal de adolescentes brasileiros”
“Development and validation of anthropometric equations to estimate the body fat of Brazilian adolescents”
Aluno/Student: Matheus Santos Cerqueira
Orientador/Advisor: João Carlos Bouzas Marins
Aluno/Student: Joel Alves Rodrigues
Orientadora/Advisor: Eveline Torres Pereira
“Effects of In-Hospital Physical Rehabilitation with versus without Inspiratory Muscle Training in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Leonardo Barbosa de Almeida
Orientador/Advisor: Daniel Godoy Martinez
“Efeitos do treinamento físico resistido sobre propriedades histológicas, morfológicas, mecânicas, gênicas e proteicas do coração de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos” – SIGILOSA
“Effects of resistance physical training on histological, morphological, mechanical, genetic and protein properties of the heart of spontaneously hypertensive rats” – SIGILOUS
Aluno/Student: Anselmo Gomes de Moura
Orientador/Advisor: Antônio José Natali
“Esforço cognitivo no futebol: uma perspectiva de avaliação e controle” – SIGILOSA
“Cognitive effort in football: an assessment and control perspective” – SIGILOUS
Aluno/Student: Felippe da Silva Leite Cardoso
Orientador/Advisor: Israel Teoldo da Costa
“Histórias de vida de mulheres atletas no levantamento de peso”
“Life stories of female athletes in weightlifting” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: João Paulo Fernandes Soares
Orientadora/Advisor: Ludmila Nunes Mourão
Aluno/Student: João Paulo Abreu Moreira
Orientador/Advisor: Maicon Rodrigues Albuquerque
“Sports talent in Brazilian basketball: Effect of relative age, career progression and modeling of sporting potential” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Dilson Borges Ribeiro Júnior
Orientador/Advisor: Jeferson Macedo Vianna
“Training load management in rhythmic gymnastics” (opens in new window)
Aluno/Student: Paula Barreiros Debien
Orientador/Advisor: Maurício Gattas Bara Filho